Privacy Policy

LeafWhisper (hereinafter referred to as 'this app') recognizes the importance of protecting personal information and strives to manage it appropriately by establishing the following privacy policy.

Article 1 (Definition of Personal Information)

Personal information refers to information about a living individual that can identify a specific individual, such as name, address, email address, and phone number.

Article 2 (Method of Collecting Personal Information)

This app collects personal information from users in the following ways:

Article 3 (Purpose of Using Personal Information)

The personal information collected by this app will be used for the following purposes:

Article 4 (Provision of Personal Information to Third Parties)

This app will not disclose or provide users' personal information to third parties except in the following cases:

Article 5 (Management of Personal Information)

This app will manage users' personal information safely and take appropriate technical and organizational measures to prevent leakage, loss, alteration, and unauthorized access.

Article 6 (Disclosure, Correction, and Deletion of Personal Information)

Users may request the disclosure, correction, or deletion of their personal information by following the procedures below:

Article 7 (Changes to Privacy Policy)

This app may change this privacy policy as necessary. Users will be notified of any changes, and the updated policy will apply.

Article 8 (Use of Analytics Tools)

This app uses Google's analytics tool 'Google Analytics' for service improvement. Google Analytics uses cookies to collect information about users' website usage. This information includes IP address, browser type, pages viewed, and time spent on the site.

Information collected by Google Analytics is managed according to Google's privacy policy. Please refer to Google's privacy policy for more details.

Users can disable cookies in their browser settings, but this may prevent some functions from working properly.

View Google's Privacy Policy here

Article 9 (Contact Information)

For inquiries regarding this policy, please contact the following:

Operator: LeafWhisper Management Team

Contact us here